Aims and Scope

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC STUDIES & CULTURE (IJISC) is an open access and double blind peer reviewed international journal published by Nobel Institute for New Generation (NING)® Pakistan. The main objective of IJISC publishes scholarly articles and reviews that concern the intersection between philosophy and theology. It aims to stimulate the creative discussion between various traditions, for example the analytical and the continental traditions. Articles should exhibit high-level scholarship but should be readable for those coming from other philosophical traditions. Fields of interest are: philosophy, especially philosophy of religion, metaphysics, and philosophical ethics, and systematic theology, for example fundamental theology, dogmatic and moral theology. Contributions focusing on the history of these disciplines are also welcome, especially when they are relevant to contemporary discussions. Overspecialization should be avoided; in principle, all articles should be relevant to the wider scholarly community. Scholarly literature surveys and longer critical book notes are also welcome.

Most articles are in English, but in an effort not to lose sight of its origin, the journal occasionally publishes some articles in English and Urdu Languages. In that case an English summary is provided.

The journal is published in both print and online.

IJISC publishes original papers, review papers, conceptual framework, analytical and simulation models, case studies, empirical research, technical notes, and book reviews. Special Issues devoted to important topics in language, literature and linguistics will occasionally be published.