Journalism, women journalists, harassment, media, PakistanAbstract
In the current mass communication era, journalists have gained wide and popular recognition as feeders for fast-changing global happenings. The present paper drawing upon a recent larger study conducted to explore women journalists? experiences at the workplace, both within the office and at public spaces where they are deputed on assignments, and its impact on their family lives, narrates the stories in women?s own voices. To explore the relationship between both, a survey method was adopted and, for this purpose 200 women journalists were selected. Findings confirm that, in addition to visible and invisible challenges that are globally associated with this profession, women journalists in Pakistan confront gender specific challenges. More surprising than the presence of these challenges is women journalists? reluctance to openly acknowledge their harassment.
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Tanazza Sakha is completing her PhD dissertation at the Centre of Excellence in Women?s Studies, University of Karachi. She is the first author of this paper.
Dr. Nasreen Aslam Shah, Meritorious Professor in Social Work and Director of the Centre of Excellence in Women?s Studies, is also Dean of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Karachi. She has published several research papers and project reports. Her book, Changing Role of Women in Pakistan: A Study of Social and Economic Activities of Women Entrepreneurs was published in 2013 by the Scholar?s Press.