Islam and Pakistan: The Dilemma of Orthodoxy and Modernism

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Jafar Nazir
Muhammad Noaman Yousaf
Habib Ullah
Saqib Ullah Khan*


This research paper delves into the intriguing strife between the preservation of genuine Islamic beliefs and social practices in today's modern Pakistan and the need for change to keep up with a rapidly changing globe. The article gets down to the street by issuing in the picture of the Islam orthodoxy in the Pakistan context where different religious institutions and schools are in the blame of keeping the old traditions since the Revolution of seal. It then deals with the different obstacles that modernity presents. Such as, but not limited to, technological innovation, globalization, and social change. The above economy and the mode of life also create enormous of variables that Pakistanis are exposed to of different ideas and lifestyles. In consequence, some are deviating and becoming antagonistic to the Islamic teachings. In addition, the article covers new ground concerning the efforts of some Muslims at tha reconciliation of their religion with the modern age. It examines movements both traditional and more progressive within Muslim groupings as well as the ongoing tensions between these views. Lastly, the article brings back the core discussion points and presents a challenging question that asks about the future of Islam in Pakistan as it goes through the orthodoxy and development complexities.

Keywords: Traditional Islam, Modernizing World, Globalization, Orthodoxy & Modernity

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