Role of Secondary School Heads in Reforming Schools Monitoring and Supervision System: A Perceptual Stance of Teachers

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Abdul Ghafoor
Prof. Dr Asif Jamil
Samina Yasmine


Monitoring and supervision of teaching and learning becomes much more important when it comes down to raising the level of effectiveness of schools. Realizing this, the study commences with one subject seeking to see what secondary school heads believe their roles are as it relates to reforming such systems from the perspective of the teachers. Sought to achieve this quantitative goal qualitative research method entailed using interviews as a tool for gathering the analogue of secondary school teachers' views from schools. This research is hoping to explore this by carrying out interviews with these teachers on their current practices of monitoring and ensuring discipline, this is suggestive of areas that can be improved. Besides, the research aims to find out how the teachers imagine the sort of intervention which the head teachers and principals can perform to spur needed changes in such setting. This study aims at improving the performance of the school heads in secondary schools through analyzing the perceptions of teachers by providing perspicacity which is crucial factor for positive changes in supervision and monitoring practices.

Keywords: School Heads, Monitoring and Supervision, Secondary Schools, Teachers

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