Smart Governance: Reducing Red Tape for Effective Public Administration

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Dr. Muhammad Naveed Ul Hasan Shah
Dr. Zia Ur Rahman
Dr. Shahid Hussain Kamboyo


The focus of this article is to understand problems and prospects of bureaucratic hurdles in public administration. It explores one of the most chronic issues: overregulation that hinders the flexibility and adaptability of governmental organizations. Thus, with the help of the given article, it is possible to identify new effective approaches and tendencies in the economic process of utilization of the administrative activity, which has the principal objective to improve service delivery and the further performance of the public sector. In the following discussion, the answers that I received are grouped around several themes: identifying bureaucratic hurdles and pressures, understanding digital endeavors, and cultivating an outcome-focused culture. In adopting smart governance initiatives some countries have come up with success stories as illustrated in the article which makes it easier to reckon the gains of cutting on administrative barriers. Particular importance is attributed to the implementation of innovative technological approaches, including e-governance platforms that enhance communication, data exchange, and delivery of essential services. Furthermore, the ideas discussed in the article regards the essence of leadership in creating the climate for reform and innovation. It also highlights the challenges and the importance of enhancing the professional competence of incumbents through the introduction of new methodologies and tools. Recommendations for policy are made with emphasis on the deregulatory policy, on business process reengineering, as wells as on the adoption of an effective performance management system. The article offers a much broader global view on how to reach efficient governance through integrating perspectives of practical public administration, information technologies, and organizational behavior. The final section offers a vision towards the future of public administration and how it requires continuous assessment and further transformation to address current and future needs of the citizens and other players. Altogether, this paper acts as a valuable source of instructions and guidelines for policymakers, administrators and scholars who strive to renew the bureaucratic systems in order to enhance the effectiveness, openness and responsibility of the public sector.

Keywords- Smart Governance, Reducing Red Tape & Effective Public Administration

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