
  • Arslan Sharif Noble Institute for New Generation




In older times there was no source of communication for the people .Throughout history people came up with various ways of communicating through post ,pigeons ,telegraph ,light  signal  and telephone .Nowadays  one can no longer imagine how to catch u with friends and contacts without social networking .Social networking helped us become closer to our friends ,even when they are a thousand miles away. First social network site was launched in 1997. SixDegrees.com helped users to create profiles, list their friends. Social networking became the source of connecting scientists and researchers around the world. With the passage of time the system has grown, the more connected community has become. In 1996 a big step was taken with the beginning of ICQ, a free instant messaging app. From past two years, the entire planet is under intense crises, as the most deadly pandemic Covid-19 break through every aspect of human life. Staying at homes and keeping ourselves from partying is the hardest thing we did. With ample time to invest somewhere the population of this digital word social as a prominent leisure time activity.  We all know anything in our lives when done beyond excess cause chaos. Use of social media  in excess leads to develop psychopathic traits in the gamers and it also creates social isolation within a household, giving boast to extreme life patterns. Speaking about the effect of social media on youth, the renowned renowned pediatrician Dr. Cindy Gellner also mentions that:  


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How to Cite

Arslan Sharif. (2022). A STUDY OF IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON YOUTH IN KOHLA. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC STUDIES &Amp; CULTURE, 2(2). Retrieved from https://ijisc.com.pk/index.php/IJISC/article/view/583