Religious diversity, legislation, and Christian privilege


  • Ms. Ujala Ms. Scholar Qurtaba University Peshawar
  • Behishat Malook Ms. Scholar Qurtaba University Peshawar


Key words: religion, sociology of religion, sociology of law, religion, law, multiculturalism.


Everyday interactions and formal legal systems work together to keep religious diversity in Victoria, Australia under control. In the following essay, we'll look into this link in greater detail. Formal legal structures and everyday contacts play a key role in facilitating the peaceful resolution of religious differences. There is a distinction to be made. How people of different backgrounds, in terms of power and fame, practice their religion today varies. in addition to communities learning through experience of these processes. Another way of putting it is that the social In part, people's interactions with one another and the community are shaped by how Australian culture views its diverse religious groups. Legal frameworks, such as anti-discrimination laws, play a role in encouraging diversity alongside interpersonal contacts with others in daily life. That which transmits information. People's emotional reactions to legal matters are also influenced by the interactions they have on a daily basis. buildings, structures, and the like. Everyday encounters are affected by regulations that make it illegal to discriminate or slander another person. the effect that judicial rulings have on people's actions is called the "shadow of the law," and it's a real thing. Educating people about the expected rules of conduct in a certain circumstance. use-appropriate or use-inappropriate; yes, or no.







How to Cite

Ms. Ujala, & Behishat Malook. (2022). Religious diversity, legislation, and Christian privilege. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC STUDIES &Amp; CULTURE, 2(3), 80–98. Retrieved from