Reforming society in the light of Proverbs ‘Hadith a Special review

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  • Mudassir Iqbal PHD Research Scholar, Institute of Islamic Studies and Shariah, MY University Islamabad
  • Marium Bibi Visiting lecturer, University of chakwal PhD scholar international Islamic university Islamabad
  • Dr. Syed Toqeer Abbas Principal Govt. High School Lakhodair Lahore Cantt


The more we have moved away from the age of Prophethood, the more defects have arisen in our society, even in this time there is no evil or error from which our society is safe. Therefore, there is an urgent need to have a plan of action that can be adopted to reform the society, when we study the Seerat-ul-Rasul (PBUH) to find a solution to this social distortion, we find that Prophet of Allah taught people morally through simple and easy conversations. He (PBUH) used to proverb as needed in his conversation and thus that conversation would be understandable and easy for everyone. Undoubtedly, unless the audience understands what the reader is saying, it will not be possible to follow it, so it is necessary to prepare a plan for training and reforming the society by taking guidance from the examples of hadith.        




How to Cite

Mudassir Iqbal, Marium Bibi, & Dr. Syed Toqeer Abbas. (2023). Reforming society in the light of Proverbs ‘Hadith a Special review: ????? ??????, ????? ?????? ?? ????? ??? ?????? ??????. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC STUDIES &Amp; CULTURE, 3(4), 138–149. Retrieved from