The Importance of Conserving Natural Resources: Insights from the Seerah
This paper seeks to understand the importance and sustainability of natural resources using the background of the Seerah of the Holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH). On environmental aspect the Seerah has numerous lessons that focus more on the concepts of the inherent worth and moral obligation of human beings on the environment. Now, when turning to specific episodes and sayings of the Prophet and their analysis in the framework of the given research, it becomes possible to conclude that the comprehensiveness of the thinking of the Prophet was another successful strategy in solving the ecological problem. In this regard, the beliefs and practices fostered at the time of the Prophet have been normalized to provide modern environmental ethics indices. According to Seerah, the protection of natural resource entails the dos and don’ts of the consumption of natural resources where the consumption patterns is regulated, the distribution is fair as well as the protection of natural resources against excessive exploitation. Unemployment: These examples include the Prophet’s response to his natural surrounding and instructions on the use of the land and sparing of water the findings of the study therefore show that these Prophetic teachings are relevant in the current world to solve ecological problems. Finally, this study concludes the need to apply theories translate from the Seerah into today’s environmental initiatives and regulatory frameworks. It thus invites the global Muslim population to look to the vast Islamic tradition and return to responsible stewardship of God’s creations, with the goal of promoting both environmental health and human spirituality. Conclusively, the findings provide key insights into how faith and environment relations posits the communities to practice what Prophet Muhammad directed in adherence to the preservation of the earth for the next generations.
Keywords: Natural Resources, Preservation, Seerah, Prophet's Legacy, Environmental Ethics