An Academic review of the Applications and Implementations of Legal Maxim Related to Hardship and Ease (Hardship invokes Ease) in the Light of Islamic Law تشریعِ اسلامی کی روشنی میں مشقت و سہولت سے متعلق فقہی قاعدہ’’ المُشَقَّۃُ تَجلِبُ التَّیسِیرَ‘‘ کے اطلاق وانطباق کا علمی جائزہ

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Dr. Saleem Khan
Muhamad Khalid
Fayaz Ud Din


Islamic Law tries to facilitate its followers during their hard times, like others Laws in rest of the world. To ensure the same, Islamic Law has formulated several legal maxims and among these maxims, one is related to hardship and ease i.e Hardship invokes ease or To make easy that which is difficult to bear” which is a fundamental legal maxim meaning that wherever there is hardship, Islamic Law will try to find a wayout and ensure convenience for its followers. This article focuses on the abovementioned fundamental legal maxim and its relevant details, its applications and implementations, that how Islamic law has developed this maxim and made ensured the provision of facilities and convenience during hard times of its followers upon the said rule.

 Key Words:  Islamic Law, Fundamental Legal Maxims, Legal Excuses, Hardship & Ease

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