A Research Review of Maulana Maududi's Services on Rejection of Atheism

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  • Fatima Tur Zehra MS Scholar, Islamic Studies, Institute of Humanities and Arts, Khawaja Fareed University of Engineering and Information Technology, RYK
  • Dr. Mazhar Hussain Bhadroo Lecturer, Islamic Studies, IHA, KFUEIT RYK
  • Dr. Muhammad Shahid Habib Assistant Professor, Islamic Studies, IHA, KFUEIT RYK


The contemporary world and many problems and issues are surrounded by it. We live in the world, and the greatness, materialism, and development, and science, and human life, and prosperity, and welfare, and great experiences, and freedoms. They were there. There are psychological problems, anxiety, chaos, and the spread of crimes, loss of morals, injustice, degradation, and corruption.It is a fact that Syed Maududi's religious reform is a great achievement in the field of truth. It is true that in the twentieth century many people were engaged in the service of Islam and their actions should be considered as part of the renewal. Many people can be named for this partial work of renewal, but the figure whose work covers the major aspects of renewal is Syed Maududi. His academic, intellectual and practical efforts are such that he can be called the most innovative personality of this century. An impartial and fair-minded person analyzing the nature and style of their work cannot separate them from the Renewal. He is undoubtedly a modern-day Mujaddid.  Atheism and diseases spread in our time and in them and in them and in deadly and mental diseases and in them and in them. And faith and destruction and destruction, and feelings, and the Creator, and existence, and evidence, and you, and the sick, and those who quarrel over intuitive things, they divide and divide, and they divide and unite, and doubts and knowledge. The spread of this disease and the causes of it: the religion of it and ignorance of it, the knowledge of it and the knowledge of weakness, the infidel whispers of it and the involvement of it, and the atheists and its doubts and listening and reading without any fundamental legal knowledge. And the atheists and the doubters, and they do not have anything, but their evidence, without sayings, and without evidence, and their obligations, and their own, and their weaknesses, and their invalidity, and their existence. Therefore, it is necessary to expose the doubts, misunderstandings, misunderstandings, and claims of the atheists, so that no one will be deceived by their falsehoods and analogies.

Keywords-  Research Review, Maulana Maududi's Services Rejection Atheism




How to Cite

Fatima Tur Zehra, Dr. Mazhar Hussain Bhadroo, & Dr. Muhammad Shahid Habib. (2024). A Research Review of Maulana Maududi’s Services on Rejection of Atheism: ?? ????? ?? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ?????? ?????. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC STUDIES &Amp; CULTURE, 4(2), 298–306. Retrieved from https://ijisc.com.pk/index.php/IJISC/article/view/774