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  • Hafiza Sadaf Visiting Lecturer, KFUEIT, RYK
  • Dr. Syed Hamid Farooq Bukhari Coordinator, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Gujrat
  • Dr. Muhammad Shahid Habib Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies, KFUEIT, RYK


The main topic which I want to discuss is the Providence of pandemics (contagious disease) in the light of the acts of prophet Muhammad (PBUH) according to the teaching of Islam. The importance of this topic can be estimated by this that being well and healthy is the great blessing in this world. For this Islam contrived a complete way of life. My purpose is to describe the teachings of Muhammad (PBUH) in the research of religion (Islam), how can get save from several pandemics, foudroyant misfortunes, calamities and disasters of sky and earth. The main question of this research is that now a days when various worldwide pandemics come from, what steps are taken by many NGOs and companies for the Providence of pandemics.                                                                                     

Key Words: Pandemics, Diseases, Islam, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Teachings of Islam                                                                                                                                                             




How to Cite

Hafiza Sadaf, Dr. Syed Hamid Farooq Bukhari, & Dr. Muhammad Shahid Habib. (2024). ????? ????? ?? ????? ??? ???? ??? : ???? ????? ? ?? ????? ???. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC STUDIES &Amp; CULTURE, 4(2), 307–317. Retrieved from https://ijisc.com.pk/index.php/IJISC/article/view/725