Anti-Americanism in Pakistan: A Study of Jamait -i- Ulama-i-Pakistan’s Political Role During Gulf War I -1990-91

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Dr. Zahid Ahmed


In the 20th century, which came to be known as "The American Century," the United States triumphed over communist ideology and emerged as the only superpower on earth in terms of technology, economics, military might, and social and cultural standards. The protracted Cold War had concluded in favor of the United States. Although, America and Pakistan have enjoyed amicable relations whenever American foreign policies were in line with the Pakistan’s national interests especially during the Cold War era, however, America lost the zenith and popularity of its policies particularly when their foreign policies targeted the Muslim world including Pakistan. The current study focuses on Jamait-i-Ulama-i-Pakistan's strong anti-American stance as the nation's leading religio-political party in order to support Iraq and President Sadam Hussain during the Gulf War I (1990–1991), an event that was extremely significant on both a regional and global scale. 

Key Words:  Gulf War I, Sadam Hussain, Anti-Americanism, Pakistan, Maulana Shah Ahmed Noorani, Jamait-i-Ulama-i-Pakistan

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